Join us for a spectacular weekend of music, learning, and fun!
There will be workshops for educators, ringers, directors, and youth - space is limited and all of the workshops will be filled in the order of registration, so get registered early to insure a spot in your first choices. There's even a conductor's masterclass, where you can hone your baton skills in front of a skilled handbell team!
Here are the workshops being offered to adult registrants:
Behind the Baton: Techniques for Directing
Clinician Debbie Rice presents a workshop showcasing tips, tricks, and techniques for directing your bell team. More than just beating time, it’s about drawing the music out of your performers.
Great for: Directors, Teachers
Exploring Handbell Fundamentals
Introduction to music in motion, focusing on the fundamental skills in handbell ringing.
Great for: Beginner ringers, Teachers
Refining Your Ringing
Being a team player, bringing your “A game” to rehearsal, and ways that you can get the most from your rehearsal time.
Great for: Ringers
Director’s Masterclass
Clinician Debbie Rice will work with you one-on-one while you actually conduct an experienced handbell ensemble.
Note: this workshop is EXTREMELY LIMITED, so if you are interested, please get your reply back as soon as possible- the slots will be filled in the order they’re received.
Great for: Directors
Audit of the Masterclass
Sit in on the Director’s Masterclass. Observe and learn from Debbie and the other workshop participants direct an advanced ringer ensemble.
Great for: Everyone
Smack, Whack, and Pluck
Exploring the various staccato techniques - it’s so much more than thumb damp!
Great for: Ringers, Beginner ringers, Teachers
Decoding Handbell Hieroglyphs
Diving into all those symbols and what they mean - an exploration of handbell notation and techniques.
Great for: Ringers, Teachers
Elevating Artistry in Ringing
Going beyond just playing the notes - musicality and artistry in handbells using subtleties of technique.
Great for: Ringers
“I only have two hands!”
Specialized techniques for covering all those notes - four-in-hand, weaving, and more.
Great for: Intermediate and advanced ringers
School Bells
Using handbells in the music room - teaching quality ringing.
Great for: Teachers
Caring for Your Instrument
Tips for Maintenance of Bells and Chimes. (Schulmerich, Malmark, Suzuki)
Great for: Teachers, Directors
Taking handbells out of the rehearsal room and into the community. Ideas about performing outside of the usual settings.
Great for: Directors
Doing the Heavy Lifting
Bass clef magic - ringing from C5 on down.
Great for: Ringers, Teachers
“That Would be Fun to Play on Bells!”
Learning how to arrange that music you love for that instrument you love.
Great for: Everyone
Score Study
Preparing productive rehearsals and build more success for your ringers. Learn tips on score study specific to the needs of handbells and chimes.
Great for: Directors
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to cancel the youth-specific sessions this year.
We apologize for this turn of events, but we hope that you'll consider attending the concert on Saturday evening at 7pm. It's going to be a great evening of handbell performances!