Handbell Discovery: Leap Appeal 2024! Welcome to the registration page of our annual provincial handbell festival!
PLEASE remind ALL your ringer friends NOT to delay any further to register. Please help your organizing crew by letting us know who to plan for (or not). Don’t forget to order your massed music from Brandenburg Music ASAP to allow time to receive/prepare your scores. Ringing positions will be assigned shortly so please watch your inboxes. THANK YOU for your assistance and understanding to ensure we have a successful Discovery!
Click here for more details about each workshop session and massed ringing.
Non-Members or Renewal Members: Click here to purchase your ALGEHR membership for the best registration rates.
Please note that it is expected that you purchase the scores for the two massed pieces and that you rehearse the ringing position you are assigned PRIOR to attending Leap Appeal. Rehearsal time with your massed conductor is limited with the goal of performing these selections at the final concert on Sat, Oct 19.
Copyright Alberta Guild of English Handbell Ringers