Alberta Guild of English Handbell Ringers

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  • Leonard Davidchuk

Leonard Davidchuk

I have been playing handbells since 1979 at Robertson-Wesley United Church, I am a founding member of the ‘Robertson-Wesley Ringers’ (RWR) and am still playing with the choir.  I started playing C4 - D4 and have since moved down to C3 - F3 over the years.  I was also a founding member of ‘Jubilioso! Bells of Concordia’ in 2002. Over the years I have substituted in many local handbell choirs.

I have participated in many handbell workshops, ‘Ringing Links’, ‘Handbell Discoveries’, learning from and playing under many clinicians of excellent caliber. With RWR I have attended three “International Handbell Symposia” in Japan (1986), Australia (2006) and Vancouver (2016). Over the years I have also given a number of workshops on Handbell Maintenance for both Schulmerich and Malmark Handbells.

I have been part of the Alberta Guild since 1984. Lorna, my wife, was on the organizing committee that formed the Guild and became the second President of the Guild from 1984-1986. I worked alongside her and help wherever I was needed, I have been helping out every since! I have been involved with ALGEHR in various capacities: ‘Member at Large’, ‘Peal’ editor, created the ALGEHR Website, was ‘Project Manager’ and representative of ALGEHR on the ‘Handbells of Canada’ Board. In 1986 I became the second Life Member of the Alberta Guild. In 1992 I was the ‘Advertising Chairman’ for the ‘5th International Handbell Symposium’ held in Edmonton, Alberta.

It has been an incredible journey so far and ALGEHR continues to plan into the future. Ringing Bells started out as a date night for my wife, Lorna, and I. We both enjoy music and decided we could ring bells together! We are still doing it together forty-two (42) years later!

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